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Chetan Butia






Meet Chetan

Chetan start in tattooing was as unexpected as it was special. He wasn’t always a tattoo artist, but he was into art since childhood. Chetan’s journey began on a day out with friends when he decided to get a koi fish tattoo from a freelance artist, a sign of luck and hard work. Proudly displaying his new ink, it caught the eye of his office manager, who was into tattoos in his teenage years. Impressed by the design, he made an unexpected request: “I need a tattoo too, can you do it if I bring you a setup?”

Seizing the opportunity, Chetan took on the challenge and did the tattoo for his office manager, who absolutely loved it. This was when everyone saw how good Chetan was at this and told him he should continue it. That’s how Chetan followed his heart for art and started a path different from the usual job route his family expected. That moment marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey that never stopped, and he’s been creating amazing tattoos ever since.

Chetan, a highly skilled tattoo artist renowned for his talent and dedication, has earned acclaim through numerous awards at prestigious tattoo conventions in India. His versatile portfolio, ranging from black and grey pieces to vibrant, colorful tattoos, showcases his creativity and solidifies his reputation as a top-tier artist. Specializing in hyper-realism, Chetan is celebrated for his precision and attention to detail in recreating lifelike images on skin. His innovative approach, blending hyper-realism with illustration, results in unique and standout designs. Each accolade fuels his passion, driving him to continually explore new techniques and perfect his craft, earning him a loyal clientele who trust him to bring their ideas to life in breathtaking ways.